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Terms of Services (ToS)

Conditions you agree upon commissionning me/using my art
(Just to protect both you and me. Just communicate if there's anything!)

The Client confirms and agrees to the following:

-The Client is at least 18 years old

-The Client is ready able to pay for the commission upfront if the application is accepted

-All owners of the characters within the piece have given their agreement of their deisgns being used in the art.

-The Client will not claim the art as their own and link the artist if posted online. ONLY the Client is allowed to repost with credit


Commission process:

-Once the application is submitted and accepted, the Client and the Artist must get an agreement upon the payment method (Paypal, Interact, Gift Card, Cash or other). 

-The Client will get work in progress (WIP) of the commission for approval at various stages of the work (sketching, lineart, colors, final). Once it has been approved, will the progress continue.


Artist and Client Rights:

-The Artist deserves the right to cancel a commission and issue full refund at anytime during the process for any reason: poor communication, rudeness, irrespect, outside conditions that halt the commission, etc.

-Commissions are NOT first come first serve. The Artist chooses the order he wishes to work on. The Client may ask to make sure where is the progression of his commission and can communicate with the Artist for questions.

-Commissions can take between 1 day and 3 months to be completed. If the Client has any request for faster work or a deadline, the Artist reserves the right to charge extra.

-The prices in the commission price sheet are base prices and can be raised depending on the complexity of the commission.

-The Artist retains ALL rights to the commissioned artwork. The Artist may post, distribute, promote or sell the art if the Artist chooses. If the Client would like the commission to remain private, they must let the Artist know in the application. The Client retains all rights to their respective characters.

-The Client cannot profit from the artwork in any way: resale, drawing over, tracing, selling rights, printing big quantities, NFTs, etc. They may post the artwork online as long as they credit the artist.

-Refund can be accepted with conditions. If the commission has not been started, the refund is complete. If the commission is canceled during the sketch or lineart phase, the refund is half the original payment. If the commission is canceled later, there is no refund unless the Artist tells otherwise. If the Artist cancels the commission, the refund is complete.

ToS: Bienvenue

© 2022 par Pinette15. Créé avec

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